Affiliated Ecumenical Monasteries
The member monasteries of the Monastic Congregation trace their roots to Benedictine abbeys of women in Eichstätt, Bavaria, and Maria Rickenbach, Sarnen, and Melchtal in Switzerland. In response to the call of the frontier Church in North America from the mid-19th to the early 20th century, these established European monasteries of women sent missionary Benedictines to the continent to meet the needs of a growing immigrant population and of Native Americans. Adapting to the changing needs of time and place, these pioneers set down new Benedictine shoots on American soil — shoots that quickly developed into separate autonomous monasteries. This diversity of origins and traditions has brought a richness to the Federation, as member monasteries collaborate, share, support, and dialogue with one another, while faithfully continuing the feminine Benedictine tradition into the 21st century.
Holy Wisdom Monastery
Holy Wisdom Monastery, home of Benedictine Women of Madison and a community of ecumenical Benedictine communities, weaves prayer, hospitality, justice and care for the earth into a shared way of life. Our ecumenical community invites single Christian women of any denomination to visit the monastery and explore a call to monastic life.
It is our privilege to share our life of prayer, hospitality, justice and care for the earth with people of diverse views and cultures. The monastery offers many doors through which women and men participate in Benedictine life as oblates, members of Sunday Assembly: an ecumenical worshipping community, Friends of Wisdom Prairie, retreatants, coworkers, donors, volunteers. We invite you to join those who say, “When I come in the door, it feels like coming home.”

4200 County Road
Middleton, WI 53562
Prioress: Sr. Mary David Walgenbach, OSB
The Dwelling Place Monastery
We Seek God in the Ordinary of Everyday Life
Our mission as the Mt Tabor Benedictines is hospitality. In living out our mission, the Gospel and Benedictine tradition challenge us to respect all creation, to live ecumenically, to foster justice and to create an environment where peace, joy and reconciliation are fostered and celebrated.
Realizing that women of many Christian faiths could embrace the Benedictine life, we established ourselves in 2004 as the Mt Tabor Benedictines. This formalized a decades long journey toward ecumenical Christian life. The reorganization allows women from all Christian denominations to join this Benedictine monastery as fully committed members and further the Christian goal, “that they may be one” John 17:21. This impels us to be inclusive in our prayer life and respectful toward all people’s beliefs.
Continuing in the Benedictine tradition of having a missionary spirit, we walk with the people of the area and listen to their needs. We support ourselves by working in missions outside of the monastery. We serve our sisters and brothers through teaching, legal service, social work, care of the sick, parish and retreat work and social justice ministries. We remain open to new and creative ways to us our gifs for the Glory of God and in service to others.

150 Mt Tabor Road
Martin, KY 41649-7818
Prioress: Sr. Kathy Curtis, OSB